
Yes, We Can Help You With That

Our group comprises a robust assembly of qualified & compassionate financial professionals, all dedicated to assisting you in your journey towards a secure financial future. As a cohesive team, we meticulously manage all aspects of your investment, retirement, and overall financial plan, allowing you to concentrate on what truly matters.

What We Do

We understand that financial planning isn't about cutbacks at every corner, but about enjoying life in the present while also preparing for the future. Our approach to financial planning employs a building-block strategy, starting with risk management as the cornerstone, followed by wealth accumulation and estate planning.
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Comprehensive Financial Planning Services

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Retirement Planning

For our retirees, our primary focus is to avoid pitfalls in all aspects of financial planning, executing this with thoughtfulness and caution, but not necessarily excessive conservatism.

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Social Security

We conduct a detailed analysis of your financial standings and anticipated needs, which allows us to devise the optimal timing for claiming your benefits. .

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We advocate for a disciplined, long-term approach that emphasizes balanced asset allocation based on each client’s goals, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.

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Income & Tax Planning

We focus on optimizing your income streams and conducting strategic tax planning to reduce liabilities, thereby bolstering your financial stability and promoting long-term wealth creation.

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Estate Planning

We promote a thorough, forward-thinking approach that centers on creating a comprehensive plan which reflects each client's unique wishes and circumstances.

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Executive Comp Plans

With your goals in mind, we create plans that are meticulously tailored to attract, retain, and motivate top-tier talent for the leadership of your organization.


It's Time To Think Differently

Whether you're planning your retirement, optimizing your taxes, or attracting top-tier executives with competitive compensation, our team of advisors is ready to help you navigate these complexities. Let us tailor a strategic plan that aligns with your objectives and promotes long-term wealth creation.

Hourly Consulting

Hourly consulting is available for specific issues – $400.00 per hour. This is appropriate for guidance with regard to one particular element or question regarding estate planning or investing.

Retirement Plan Consulting is also available on an hourly fee basis.

All investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Pricing Starting At: Singles $3500* | Couples $5000* | Business Owners $6500*

Financial Consulting includes the following services:

  • 12 months of access to our team
  • Comprehensive Data Gathering
  • 2-3* Scheduled Formal Meetings During the Year
  • Review of your financial situation – goals, objectives, risk tolerance, risk capacity, time horizon, and restrictions
  • Planning for Peace of Mind
  • Financial Organization and Household Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Planning
  • Trust & Estate Planning
  • Tax Planning and Tax Return Review
  • Stock Option/Restricted Stock Planning
  • Charitable Giving Planning
  • Insurance Planning
  • Retirement Income Planning
  • Social Security Planning
  • Employer Sponsored Retirement Plan Recommendations
  • Basic Asset Allocation Recommendation
  • Business Planning
  • Education Planning

*Depending on complexity

**Client administers investment changes

Financial Planning and Wealth Management

Comprehensive Financial Planning included with managed assets above 750k. Financial Planning is an additional cost if less than 750k.

The following cost schedule applies for personalized financial planning services & wealth management relationships:

Aggregate Market Value Investment Management Costs
$3,000,000 + .70% Annually
$2,000,000 to $3,000,000 .80% Annually
$1,000,000 to $2,000,000 .90% Annually
$750,000 to $1,000,000 1% Annually*
$500,000 to $750,000 1.25% Annually*

Annual costs include the following services:

  • Review of financial situation – goals, objectives, risk tolerance, time horizon, and restrictions
  • Planning for Peace of Mind and Future Goals
  • Financial Organization and Household Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Planning
  • Trust & Estate Planning
  • Intergenerational Wealth Planning
  • Tax Planning
  • Stock Option/Restricted Stock Planning
  • Charitable Giving Planning
  • Insurance Planning
  • Retirement Income Planning
  • Social Security Planning
  • Investment Optimization and Ongoing Monitoring
  • Defined Contribution Asset Allocation (401(k) or Retirement Plan) – Current Employment
  • Education Planning
  • Business Planning
  • Monthly Statements and Quarterly Performance Statements
  • Online Access to Your Portfolio

*Client pays all trading costs on accounts.